Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5th May 2010

Mark 10:32-45 – The Request of James and John.
  • I’m beginning to see a real thread here in Jesus’ life and leadership.
  • To fully understand what is going on here we have to cross-reference this story with the Matthew account. Mark is the briefer stripped down version.
  • Matthew explains that the two young men approached their mother who asked on their behalf. This was not really cowardice but custom. It was the etiquette of the day that if you were to ask for something it might seem crass to ask for it directly. Going through this third party allowed the person to say no to the third party and therefore no one would loose honor [similar to Asian customs now].
  • What is interesting is that even though the mother speaks both accounts teach us that he did not answer the third party, the mother, but instead addressed the real source; the brothers.
  • This is similar to yesterday – Jesus always addresses the real source or problem. He often ignores the customary manners of the day to do this.
  • Its odd because yesterday I was chatting with Rob about the importance of leaders hunting down issues and confronting them when weaker leadership often ignores issues or deals with them through a third party.
  • Also reminds me of George Bana at a recent conference saying that the best leaders look for issues to resolve whereas poor leaders only react when they are forced to.
  • Also leading up to this Jesus is leading the disciples into Jerusalem – they are astonished and worried and so again Jesus confronts the real issues [v 32-34].
  • Need to continue to pray for courage and also insight. Plus maybe contact the Pais ND’s and help them think this through.


  1. That's a really good insight, Paul. I'm challenged on this issue of leadership and influence at the moment. Here is an example of Jesus clearly choosing to address a question directly rather than indirectly through a third party. In doing so, Jesus gets as close to the heart(s) of the matter as possible, which in this case were the 'heart attitudes... See more' of the two young men.

    I wonder whether this is the best method for approaching any issue, to get as close to its source as possible so that it can be gently addressed by truth spoken in love.

    Happy to further this dialogue if anyone would like.


    (PS. Transferring this comment from FB because I wasn't able to add it here yesterday).

  2. I think you are right.

    It also makes you wonder about what social customs influence our leadership that maybe we should refuse to be contained by.
